I think there is a difference between the concept and the reality of finding "True Love." I don't need to be finding anyone for true love because I am married. But I think if I needed to find it, it would be easy. But if I were actually in that situation it might be a different story. I read someone on here, I think, say that when you fall in love with someone you really don't know well, you are falling in love with your idea, and falling in love with that person might be something quite different. You picture that person the way you want to, and you picture them as being the person you want to fall in love with. Is that person really the same as the picture in your mind. When you factor in the cultural differences, the personality differences, and things you might no expect will he/she still be the person you want to be falling in love with. Can you deal with that person's imperfections. Can you still love them after some situation causes them to get angry and yell at you. I hope that doesn't happen, but all of us have frustrations, and sometimes we do things we don't mean to when certain circumstances come together. Also trust and respect is part of that too. I know you can trust me, but can I trust you? People have to have confidence in each other, and even the question in a person's mind about trust can make it difficult to find "True Love." I hope all of you find true love, develop trust, and can respect and enjoy each other. It would not be fun to be alone, or feel like a person was alone in the world. I would not want to feel alone or be alone.