What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:58 pm

Today is a very heavy day. Been in the bank to deposit the collection, waited for more than two hours, follow up at city hall, issue official receipts, and so much more. Return to office almost lunch break, so much stress while am back because of so many clients to process business permit and building permit, again. While writing, plan to go home early today since it is Friday means flyday. Have a good weekend to all. God bless and more power.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:00 am

Some days can be terribly stressful. I remember days when it seemed that you could get enough done, or you couldn't be enough places when you are supposed to be there. I think banks in the Philippines make you wait for extended periods of time, don't they? A number of years ago the bank that we did business with guaranteed quick efficient service. They had a deal going that if you had to wait in line more than 10 minutes they would give you $5.00 if you called them on it, and that was written right where the tellers worked. I think I got $5.00 for waiting once, and then they quit that policy. I think they probably had to hand out too many $5.00 bills. Good for the customer, not so good for the bank. That much have been frustrating, Crisi, having to stand in line that long when you knew there was work waiting for you that needed your attention, and it would be a challenge to get it all done, huh? :D :D :D :D You have a great weekend, Crisi, and all others reading this, and God Bless You All and More Power to You All! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:08 am

My day was a little different today. I got around, doing my regular chores of washing my face, shaving, and so forth. Then I ate some fried potatoes with chopped up beef, and drank a tall glass of milk. Immediately after breakfast and feeding the dogs, we went for our walk. The dogs and I went early because we had to be in town fairly early today. I got new lenses that should help me see better. Then we went to the church and ate an early Christmas dinner/supper. We had a couple inches of snow which was not much, but I had to wear my heavy snow boots, which gave me a little harder workout, and that didn't hurt me at all. As the snow gets deeper I will have a more vigorous workout as the doggie wants to walk where the snow is not plowed, and I let him part of the time, just to give him a good time. I have to make it fun for the dogs as well as for me!!!! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:20 pm

Yesterday we hauled water for our house. We were getting pretty low as things kept getting the the way of hauling the water. Carol didn't feel well enough to deal with it a few days ago when we were going to do it. Then we had a daughter of a good friend of ours from long ago that came with her 10 kids, yes 10 kids, to visit, so we couldn't haul it then. Yesterday I was getting ready to haul the water, and a small tire on the wagon blew out with a bang while I was putting air in it. So I took the tire off the wagon to get ready for another tire the first time we go to town, which will be tomorrow. I started my old (1969, half ton Ford pickup) and hauled the water with it. I would much rather use the wagon, but the pickup needed starting anyway, and it worked. Today I helped Carol carry our laundry over to our kids' house to do it there. Those clothes will be heavy to carry back after being washed! They have running water and we don't. We have an electric clothing dryer, and once in a while our kids bring their wet laundry over to dry at our house. They have a clothes line on the the 3rd floor of their house, and also one outside, so they ususally dry their clothes at their house, unless they need them before they would dry hanging. I tried playing the piano, but the dog won't allow me to do that. He pushes my hands up off the keys. He wants me to give him attention. He is now asleep on the bed here by me, so I can probably sneak back to the piano and play it for a while! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:30 pm

Today started off with some cooked oatmeal cereal with cran-raisins and milk. It was good. I also had a cup of hot chocolate and a banana. It was a very good breakfast. This was the day for the spinners', knitters, and so on guild, so Carol and our daughter went to that. After they left I went out and cut some wood with the electric chain saw. I then came in and played the piano for a while. I built a fire in our kitchen wood cook stove to help heat the house. Then I ate some peanut butter, honey, and drank a little orange juice. I put wood in the stove later than I should have, too close to walking time, so I couldn't leave the house until most of the wood was burned and the stove had cooled some, since I was alone, I wanted it to be safe while I was walking. I did my 6.5 mile walk and came back to the house. A little later Carol and our daughter got home. We then had beef stew for supper, and boy was it good. Then I played the piano a little more and now I am doing this. I think this church hymn/song book was copy righted in 1915, so all the songs are older than that. Many of the songs have not been sung in many years, but they are good old songs and fun to play. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:00 pm

Our weather has gotten so warm, the wind has been blowing, and we are losing some of our snow again, and it is getting sloppy, shushy, and slick. We got up ate some cooked oatmeal with milk, and while I did that Carol went over to our kids house so that our daughter could make a phone call for Carol. She helps Carol call, because sometimes she has trouble talking and remember, and sometimes she get intimidated and then she doesn't accomphish what she needs to. She came over, and we ate some cold cereal, corn flakes; I only eat them about once a year, and then we headed to town for her doctor's appointment. We have snow on the road for about 3 miles where they did not remove the snow with the snow plow. Then the other 17 miles there was no snow on the road as they had ploughed it off earlier, and most of it was even dry. We went to the doctor's appointment, ran 2 more errands, and then came home. Her appointment was a 1:30, and it gets dark even yet so early that by the time we got home it was too late to walk with the dogs. They were very sad, and the big dog, Scooby told us that he was very disappointed when we got out of the car, but he forgave us when we fed him! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby tamaratiu » Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:32 am

today was so wonderful. I discover this page and so happy about it :). I was able to do so because most of my morning students were absent, they went back home for the chinese new year... (yahoooooo still my hours are paid).

and now I am preparing to undress the teaching persona in me and put on the call center gear hehe :)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:32 pm

tamaratiu, we are happy that you found this page also. We are always happy to see new people coming on, and we are happy to see the other people sticking around too. We are glad that your students went home for Chinese New Years, that you had time to get on and find this, and that you are still getting paid just like the students are there. When you said that you were preparing to undress the teaching persona, at first I thought you were saying that you were changing your clothes! :lol: :lol: The way we usually describe that is that we would say that we are changing our hats. We talk about different hats representing different roles that we have. We would say that "I had on the teacher's hat, and now I am going to put on the call center hat." Actually you are saying the same thing, just using a different analogy. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:03 am

I had an experience today that I have not had, probably forever. I gave someone a ride to the Behavioral Health place and stayed with them while they went for a short private interview and then a group session. I did not go into these meeting places, but only into the waiting room where they were called back for these meetings. I had to get up earlier than I normally do to get this person to this meeting on time, so I was sleepy, and in fact I slept part of the time while I sat in the warm room waiting. I was with people, some of whom did not smell very nice. They don't have the same concept of grooming and cleaning as some of the rest of us do. In fact the person I was with moved twice; one because of the bad odor, and once because of the obnoxious behavior of one of the people coming to this meeting. I saw one person who was going around to various people sharing things the rest of us would keep to ourselves. One guy wanted everyone to know that his father had a heart attack, fell, broke his foot or ankle, and had to go to another city to have his bones corrected. He also wanted to show everyone his new pair of gloves, and boy was he proud of them. I saw one person who seemed to be agitated because of slowness of a pharmacy. I saw one person who used to be a respected police officer, who came to a school I was teaching at to investigate a possible crime by another teacher, but now he is not much different than any of the other people there with problems, and I am not sure how that happened, except that age resulting from living, and also living in sin has the effect of deteriorating people. He at one time was respected, dressed well, and was professional, but now is is among the people who do not smell well and are not well behaved which is against everything he stood for at one time. I recognized many of these people as they came to both our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners put on by our church for basically anyone in the community with a special invitation to people who were down on their luck, as most of these people are, and the ones who are not down on their luck have problems, many of them being there because they were ordered to clean up their lives by the court system. One overridding factor in all of this is that Jesus loves all these people, and He wants them to come to Him for rest for their weary souls. He does not look down on any of them for the way they smell or the way they act. He would like to take them, make them His own, and clean up their lives, help them to dress well, and bathe, and get rid of their sinful habits of drinking alcohol, using tobacco and other drugs, and help them to learn to behave appropriately. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:37 am

boring :roll:
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