Where is the best place to live in the Philippines?

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Re: Where is the best place to live in the Philippines?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:59 am

red wrote:Bukidnon is the best...because it is mountainous and surely away from flooding..it is called the Promiseland and food basket of the Philippines. Also it is the best place to invest for business. And I did...hehehehe

That is very true, Red. Please take a look and read about the Province of Bukidnon. You will really appreciate the place and the people. Also good to invest if you have plan to put up business. :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Where is the best place to live in the Philippines?

Postby Edwin » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:49 pm

The Province of Bukidnon sounds like a winner! :D :D
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Re: Where is the best place to live in the Philippines?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jan 03, 2012 1:39 am

We have a nephew that is just a week or 2 younger than our twins. They were almost like triplets when they were little guys. He lives in Bonuan Binloc, near Dagupan City, North Luzon, Pangasinan, in the Lingayen Gulf. He is married to a filipina there, and they have built them a house near her parents house. I haven't had much chance to visit with him, but I think he likes it there. They are right on the sea, and they eat a lot of fish. His father-in-law is a building contractor, and so that was handy while building his house. Actually I don't think it is finished yet, but I think they are living in it. It is small, but comfortable, and he has a good family that he is with, so we are very happy about that. I talked with him one the first part of December on the telephone, and I need to call him and talk with him again to see how they are doing. My sister talks with him fairly regularly, and she talks with his filipino family as well. The place is about a 5 hour ride on a bus from Manila. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Where is the best place to live in the Philippines?

Postby tamaratiu » Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:28 pm

all the places that has been mention are from the southern part except the comment above me (looks like I am the only one from the north hehe). I would suggest baguio City too, it's 25-30 minutes my plane (though planes are schedule to be just twice a week hehe) to manila and a 5 hour drive. (bus takes longer like 7-8 depends on the traffic unless you take deluxe buses no stop over because there is a rest room inside and there are free food too, though the price ticket is almost doubled, 450 air-con bus 700 for deluxe).

location wise: it's near sagada (mountain side, and my birth place a lot of foreigner lives there already and it makes the price of commodities expensive) and its just 2 hours drive from the beach. surfing heaven san juan is just 2 hours from Baguio.

safety wise : there are crimes of course no place is immune but as you have said if a person is sensible then there will be no problem and you can really see 24 hours patrols all over the place. and 117 response is so quick if ever you needed one. :)

downfall (to some) : it's cold all year round. sometimes there is so called foreigners prize but I guess this is true anywhere around the globe. it rain a lot and you don't get attention like the attention when you go to other places such as people following you around when ever you go they wont treat you like as if you are from mars. (some foreign people I know wants this kind of treatment). but don't get me wrong don't say they are not warm people they are just they value privacy more than other people from other places does).

and if you got nothing to do in your spare time you can teach in so many english schools 15usd/hour. they are always looking for native speakers.. hehe that is if your native language is english. :)
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Re: Where is the best place to live in the Philippines?

Postby Edwin » Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:47 pm

Yes, tamaratiu, I think there is no good place or bad place to live, but there are advantages and disadvantages anywhere you live. I was born right here close in a semi arid place where we get very little rainfall, about 11 or so inches a year, and some of that is snow. We spent a winter on the coast years ago, and it seemed strange to have it raining so much. Then we moved and lived for ten years where we got about 50 inches of rainfall a year, and much of that was snow. The snow could get so deep that people had to go out from the upper part of their houses. One year while we were living there we had 26 feet of accumulated snow, and at the same time about 10 miles from there at a higher altitude they had 42 feet of accumulated snow. They measured every time it snowed so, 26 feet was probably about 10 to 15 feet on the ground. Even though we were in the mountains it was warmer there than it is here because of warm air coming into that valley off the Pacific Ocean. We were not really a long ways from the Coast although to get there required a trip with many miles, unless you walked through on a trail, and then it was not many miles, but you could only do that during the later part of the summer. People love to live there because it is remote with no roads, only boats and airplanes, and the property there is hard to buy and expensive. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Where is the best place to live in the Philippines?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:39 am

I was born in the next town right down over the hill from here about 24 miles or so away. This is such a romote area with such severe winter weather, that my folks wanted to have me be born in town to avoid trouble from not being able to get to medical facilities, so I was born in town. Carol was born in a house in town, her brother was born in an apple picker's cabin, the one who lives in the Philippines now, and been living there for 12 years, I was born in the old hospital, our kids were born in the new hospital, and our grandkids have been born in cities all over the world, including Germany and Spokane. I have lived in this area, this county almost all my life, except for 2 places we lived while pastoring churches. We also lived near Spokane, Washington for a short time while I attended University. We lived in the next county in a National Park for 10 years while we worked for a concessionaire in the tourist industry. This place was considered to be almost heaven where people pay outrageous prices for houses and property. There is a 55 mile long lake with lots of trees. The only way to get to the place is with an airplane or a boat. They have over 50 inches of precipitation a year. Where we live we only get about 10 inches of precipitation a year, and a lot of that is in snow, just as most of the 50 inches was in snow also, and deep snow. My opinion is that it is just about as good to live in one place as the other. One nice thing is that we are at about 2800 feet elevation, so it is cooler here in the summer, which is nice, but also colder in the winter, but we can handle that. We are also up away from the orchards, so we don't have to breath the poisons they pump into the air, and that is nice and healthier than living where there is lots of air polution. We also get the benefits of our kids' animals for meat, milk, eggs, and garden produce, which is nice for us. Our living expenses are less than if we lived in town with garbage fees, sewer fees, and other costs that we don't have. I think where ever a person lives as long as they have God and peace, it is a nice place to live. Bukidnon is considered to be the breadbasket of the Philippines, and I think that would be a nice place to live. :D :D :D :D
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