You are correct, Red, it does not have to follow a pattern. Being yourself probably was the most important part of all of it. Communication and honesty were probably big ones too. Then you look at your "monsters," and say "I wonder where they came from?" Being talkative, having an enjoyable time, and not being bored helped too, huh? Yes, the problems do come, but we deal with them and then move on. Clicking with each other, and liking each other got you off to a great start, huh? The years roll along much too quickly. First the kids are in diapers, then the next thing you know you are going to their high school graduation. Then they get married and have their own kids. Now for us with 9 grandkids, the youngest is 13 years old, the next older is 18 years old, and all the rest of them are from that age to 24 years old. Where do the years go?