Dying from cancer

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Re: Dying from cancer

Postby Tigger82d » Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:30 pm

My mother had breast cancer back in 94 or 95. She fought it and had one breast removed. Then 3 years ago it came back but now it was in her breast, lungs, liver and bones. She fought it until sept 29 last year when she finaly passed. I am happy I was there from the start to the end. Its not easy but she enjoyed her last years alot. I am sorry to hear about your brother in law.
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Re: Dying from cancer

Postby Edwin » Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:52 pm

Thank you, Tigger. He has a really good attitude, and he has surrendered his life to the Lord, and he is very happy about that. He does suffer a lot, but then he says that he is having good times too when the pain is not too great, and the pain medication is not affecting his mind, which it did for a while. He is just finding things to enjoy about life, and he is keeping a good sense of humor also. All of us have to die sometime. When it is us, it seems any time is too soon.

My mother had breast cancer when she was in her 50s I think, if I remember correctly. She has one breast removed, and her cancer never came back. I think she lived to be 89 or something like that. Her heart failure killed her, and it only took her a few minutes to die, so she didn't suffer. She was praying while she was dying. Then I know some people like your mother also that had it come back. Sorry about you losing your mother. Any time is too soon to die I think, or to lose your loved one.
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Re: Dying from cancer

Postby edeline » Sat Mar 10, 2012 5:46 am

Edwin wrote:Thank you, Tigger. He has a really good attitude, and he has surrendered his life to the Lord, and he is very happy about that. He does suffer a lot, but then he says that he is having good times too when the pain is not too great, and the pain medication is not affecting his mind, which it did for a while. He is just finding things to enjoy about life, and he is keeping a good sense of humor also. All of us have to die sometime. When it is us, it seems any time is too soon.

My mother had breast cancer when she was in her 50s I think, if I remember correctly. She has one breast removed, and her cancer never came back. I think she lived to be 89 or something like that. Her heart failure killed her, and it only took her a few minutes to die, so she didn't suffer. She was praying while she was dying. Then I know some people like your mother also that had it come back. Sorry about you losing your mother. Any time is too soon to die I think, or to lose your loved one.

The people who are in cancer are suffering too much. Yes they are just trying to smile though they are in so much pain. The family members feel so sad and pity watching the cancer victim sufferring and crying in pain.I agree with you Edwin, sometimes we have to die on the time that we don't like yet. We are just borrowing life and we must enjoy it as much as we have it because we can't stop it when it will be taken back from us.

My Uncle was so young when he died, he was 20+ and all of his workmates were so sad for him. He was loved by the people around because he was kind to people. He was crying and crying when he was in pain and shouting. It was so hard and pitiful.

I am so glad reading that post of u on the top when you said that your mom had cancer but she has survived until 89. Wow that was great. Cancer is a very risky illness and that is very hard to be cured. Though the people will be taking series of chemo therapies, it is not an assurance that they will be healed. There is no assurance that someone will be healed either rich or poor.
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Re: Dying from cancer

Postby Edwin » Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:04 am

The medical scientific people I think understand cancer to a degree, but there is no cure, or no prevention that I am aware of. For most people when they get cancer it is like a death sentence. When my brother-in-law first found out that his cancer was going to kill him, he was in severe shock, and then he bounced back from that, but still any conversations ended up by him saying there is no cure for what I have. At first the doctors told him he might have a year to live, and then every time he went to see a doctor they told him less time, until the last time he was told 4 to 6 months, and I think the last time it was actually 4 months. Every time he would have a doctor's appointment, he would say, on such and such date I am going to my next death sentencing. He determined not to do Chemo, and I think he was beyond radiation's help. He said that he was not going to take anything that would take away his quality of life. He wanted just to live as well as he could then die. He had some really expensive medications, that didn't cost him anything because of a combination of medicare and military insurance, but he elected not to take them because I think he figured they would make him really sick. You are right Edeline in that it doesn't matter whether you are rich or poor, its all the same.

It is interesting that some cancers are more deadly than others. My sister-in-law had lymphona a couple of years ago, and she survived that, but she says that it could come back and kill her anytime. They also say that some prostate cancers are so slow growing that people die with them rather than from them. Although that is where Carol's brother's cancer started, then colon, then hip, then lungs, now back and all through his body. My Dad told me, and I don't know where he got his information, but when you have cancer you hair and your finger and toe nails grow faster.

I think what people eat and their environment, what they are exposed to has something to do with them getting cancer. I think some people are genetically predispositioned to get cancer. Sometimes when people get cancer, who knows why they got cancer, and no one has the answer. My mother-in-law had lots of stomach trouble, and she was worried sick a lot of times that she had stomach cancer, but she never did get cancer, but died of a stroke, although it was years after the stroke that she died. She was forever in the wheel chair after that, partially paralyzed, and her mind was affected although not severely. It is sad that we have to be plagued with sickness in this life, but there will be no sickness in heaven. It is part of the curse, and that will be dealt with, thank the Lord. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Dying from cancer

Postby Edwin » Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:18 pm

Carol's brother is very low now. His daughter is leaving her Friday to fly to the Philippines to see her Dad for the last time. We are hoping and praying that he will still be alive for them to see each other one last time. The pain has increased unbelievably. His feeding methods and elimination methods are changing, and it is not fun for him. He has been in and out of shock as a result of the pain. He has been drifting in and out of consciousness. It is about over for him, but he made his peace with God while he was still able to do that, and we are very happy about that! We will miss him, but we will see him and be with him through all eternity. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Dying from cancer

Postby Edwin » Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:46 am

The daughter our niece is in the Philippines now to visit her Dad for one last time. They are in Guimaras Island, not far from Iloilo. She has been keeping us updated on her trip all the way from leaving Seattle, Washington USA to landing in Manila. It will be very sad for her, but her Dad will love to see her again, and she will love to see her Dad, although it will be sad. She is telling him that all of us love him and are praying for him during this difficult time. She said, which we already knew, that his cancer has been traced to the agent orange when he was in the Navy in Vietnam cruising the river to pick up explosives. He had trouble with night mares after finishing with the Vietnam war. I looked into agent orange a little because I was curious. Agent orange was applied by the USA for several reasons. They put it on to kill crops, and drive local people to the cities that were controled by the USA. They were also trying to reduce the food supply to gurrelas sp?, and make it harder for them to fight the war. They also were trying to kill the brush, so that they could navigate more easily. Agent orange damaged a lot of US war veterans. It also damaged a lot of unborn children, as well as damaging the Vietnam people. There are places in those countries where the soil is loaded with the cancer causing part of agent orange which needs to be cleaned up. The residue from agent orange in those countries is still damaging people. I had a cousin who fought in the Vietnam war who died of cancer also, and I think it was probably agent orange that got him. When people were applying agent orange they were told that it was safe. Well, now they know better, after people have died by the thousands as a result of it, people have gotten skin disease because of it, and many birth defects are attributed to agent orange. Pretty sad, huh? :( :( :( :( Carol's brother's battle with cancer is about finished, and he will be in a place where there is no sickness or pain, and we will see him again. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Dying from cancer

Postby Smiley » Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:13 pm

I sense your fustration Edwin.I was exposed to it when I was a signal maintainer for the railway,although not to the extent the guys in Nam were.I`ve heard the stories about hooking up the drums and being drenched in the stuff for hours.I know a couple guys that were on the ground and sprayed from the air. The coverup was pretty disgusting.
I sorta got off topic there....I really just wanted to say that I hope he passes easily and you can all regain your peace. You are in my thoughts today.
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Re: Dying from cancer

Postby Edwin » Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:10 pm

Yes, Smiley, the cover up was unfortuneate. They didn't come out with the truth until after the fact, and then only recently have they just barely begun to take responsibility. At one point the people had to have had their health affected at the time, or within one year in order to be supported/compensated. They would not admit that someone could have effects that might take years to materialize. It is not only cancer, but diabetes and other diseases that were caused by agent orange. Thank you so much, Smiley, for your good words and good thought for my wife's brother. His daughter is with him now, and I know they are very happy about being able to be together for this last time. He has made his peace and he is resting in that, and that is good! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Dying from cancer

Postby jadegil6 » Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:16 pm

My best friend who I have known for over 50 years was exposed to agent orange in Viet Nam. He has diabetes and heart problems, but so far not any cancer. He does get an additinal $1800 per month from the government for being exposed to that chemical. He also gets free medical from the VA, and all of his prescription medicines are also free. He was in the Army Special Forces for three years from 1964 to 1967, and one year in Nam.
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Re: Dying from cancer

Postby Edwin » Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:38 pm

Yes, the agent orange I guess affects different people in different ways, like your friend, Sir Michael, having diabetes and heart disease, and others with cancer. I think there are other diseases associated with exposure to agent orange also, but right now I can't remember what they are. It is very say that, that had to happen to people who fought in the war to defend our country. That is the ultimate sacrifice they made. They may not have died immediately in the war, but many got sicknesses that slowly killed them. Then others just live with dieases and weaknesses all there lives as a result. :( :(
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