What did you have for dinner?

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What did you have for dinner?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:55 pm

First of all what is dinner? To me dinner is the mid day meal, probably because I am a farm boy. To me breakfast is what it is to most other people, the first meal of the day. To me lunch is if you take a couple of sandwitches to work or school. Dinner is the mid day meal, and supper is what you eat before you go to bed. Today I had a roast beef sandwich with catchup on it, part of an apple, and two carrot sticks. The sandwich has whole wheat bread that our son-in-law from Cheney by Spokane gave us. He gets all the bread he can put in a shopping cart for $28.00, then eats some of it, and feeds the rest to his animals. They also gave us the roast beef. They have 10 acres, and after his friend cuts hay off from it, he allows another farmer to put some cows on it, and in return they are given meat. It is home grown, so it is very good meat. I am not heavy into meat eating, but I do eat a little now and then. I just finished hauling water for our house, so I had an appetite to eat! Wally, our bird, got the cores from the apples we are eating, and he loves them! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What did you have for dinner?

Postby crisipicada » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:23 am

I did not eat dinner actually because i am alone here and my sister and nephews and niece are not here. still waiting for them to arrive. I hope so.
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Re: What did you have for dinner?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:43 am

crisipicada wrote:I did not eat dinner actually because i am alone here and my sister and nephews and niece are not here. still waiting for them to arrive. I hope so.

Sometimes that is difficult to wait when you are alone and wonder when they will ever come, and hoping, and then eventually they do come, huh? You do not want to eat alone without them, huh? Then when they do arrive, it is relief, huh? :)
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Re: What did you have for dinner?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:36 am

For dinner we ate a plate of mixed potatoes with peas, and a 20 ounce glass of milk, always milk for me! Saturday morning our daughter and our filipina niece walked over to my brother's house which is about 2 miles from here. They sent some cherries back with them, and I think some for them, and some for us. My nephew grows cherries, but I don't know if they were from his orchard; I didn't hear. Anyway I ate a bowl of cherries as well, and that was a very good dinner! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What did you have for dinner?

Postby Edwin » Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:46 pm

There is often confusion as to what mean is called by what name. Breakfast I think is pretty much the same of all people; it is the meal that you break your night's fast with! :lol: :lol: I am a farm boy, so dinner is the midday meal, but lunch is comprised of sandwiches that you take to the field when you are working rather than coming in from the field for a dinner. Supper is the night meal for me. That is the meal at which you do your supping, I guess? :lol: :lol:

We went to church this morning, and we did not sing one hymn/church song. They were all this contemporary music, and we did not know any of the music they were singing. They announced we were singing "Rock of Ages," but no it was not the hymn, as it was a contemporary piece of music that we didn't know either, but we are singing along anyway! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Before the preacher started his sermon he admitted that he was not feeling well, and told us that he had already made 3 trips to the Men's Restroom. If it were that serious I think I would have gotten someone else to deliver the morning's sermon, but amazingly he made it through the sermon with out having to have a restroom break. It was a good service also, and those people are so friendly. We attended there 14 years ago before we moved away. We have been attending now off and on all summer, and people are still coming up to us and saying, "I think I should know you; Who are you?" It is still great to be in church with people who love Jesus and pray sincerely to God for their needs.

The noon meal after we got home was rice cooked in cream of mushroom soup, and boy was it delicious! :lol: :lol: We had some pork that we raised right here, so it was good also. Carol cooked some peas still in the pods in with the rice, and boy were they good! We had some cucumbers, and then we ate some cantalope, and drank a glass of milk, and it was all good!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What did you have for dinner?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:11 pm

My dinner, noon meal, was kind of fishy. We had salmon and oysters that we got for Christmas. I got more oysters because Carol did not like them. She does not know what is good for her! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: We also had two kinds of crackers, soda and water crackers. We had cauliflowers and milk! Don't you think that was a good dinner? I liked it. Some of our kids gave us food items for Christmas and that was really a genious of an idea. Many times people have so much stuff that what do you do with more stuff. Well, if you get food, you probably eat it. I got some candy for Christmas also, but I a terrible person to give candy too, although I like it and I am very happy, but I save it forever. I figure having candy in the drawer is like having money in the bank. It is always there if you need/want it. Sometimes it gets a little old before I eat it. The younger daughter takes after me that way. She would sometimes have candy a years later after it was given to her. But our identical twins would devour the candy as fast as they could; no saving candy with them. Carol is like that too, but with her diabetes it is not good. Sometimes she begs me for candy, and I give her a little, and then we eat it quickly! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: What did you have for dinner?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:16 am

My former sister-in-law used to buy what we called tv dinners. We were never too fond of them, but they were more for convinience than anything else, but when I was a young guy anything and everything tasted good, and I always had a big appetite. Our daughter said that she was hungry for tv dinners, so she got a hand full of them while at the store. They were pretty cheap, so when we have them we eat 2 of them at each meal as they are pretty small with tiny helpings. I am a fish lover, love to eat any kind of fish, so they got some fish for me. They got other kinds of tv dinners. I am not really too fond of those tv dinners, but eating them once in a while is okay. I am not fond of maccaroni and cheese, and that is one of the foods. The chocolate pudding is okay, but the fish sticks tastes to me like they have more bread on them than they do fish in them. I am saying I don't like the food that well, but it is okay on a short term basis. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What did you have for dinner?

Postby edeline » Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:42 am

I had a chicken for dinner. Tasty barbecue..I loved it so much.
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Re: What did you have for dinner?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:12 pm

Today I had some beans that were cooked a number of days ago. The dish was frozen and I have eaten on it a number of times. But, Carol informed me that this is the last because it is gone. Boy was it good, cooked with a little pork, and today Carol added some left over rice from last night. I also had some whole grain wheat crackers with some milk. It was a very good dinner, or mid-day meal! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What did you have for dinner?

Postby Edwin » Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:37 pm

Today for the dinner or noon meal I ate fried egg plant sliced very thin and dipped in flour. I also ate a carrot, and some corn chips as well as drinking milk. It is was a very good meal. Carol doesn't like egg plant, but I love egg plant. She cooks it for me, but she won't eat it as she just plain doesn't like it. I have loved egg plant cooked that way as long as I can remember back. Nothing beats it, well, mostly nothing anyways. :D :D :D :D
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