Carol left first for Stehekin, and then for Hamlin Pennsylvania, and she has not been in the house since June 19th, and that has been a long time already, and she will not be back until July 10th! I am doing fine though as our youngest daughter has sent food home with me that I have eaten for some of my lunches. At first I was taking a tupperware container of cooked beans out of the freezer, then I put them on the dash of our car under the warm/hot windshield to thaw enough so that I can get them out of that container to microwave heat them. I did that for several days, and then I ate two pieces of chicken, leg and thigh. Then I had chicken and rice that she sent home with me, then I had roast beef and rice that she sent home with me. For a number of days, for dinner, my mid day meal I had a generous bowl of peaches with 2 slices of whole grain bread with home grown butter on them. A few days ago our dauhter who lives here started bringing me supper, evening meal, and that has been very nice. It is usually cold by the time I get back from my 2 & 1/2 hour walk with the doggies, but it still tastes good! I got invited to supper once when we had mutual friends come for a visit, actually our daughter said that it was her 42nd birthday party, but I didn't know that then, because it wasn't her birthday yet, which was June 27, 1970 when our identical twins were born. Before Carol left she suggested that I could fry eggs if I wanted to. I have not fried eggs in at least 35 years, but I did today! It worked just like I remembered it. I fried 6 eggs and put them on two pieces of whole grain bread, and that is a good meal. Our daughter also brought over 3 small German Chocolate cup cakes with Chocolate frosting on them, so I will have that for desert. I finished all my Tillamook huckleberry icecream that our daughter got for me for Father's Day, but I still have a full, nearly full, I think Carol ate some out of it one time, but it is Tillamook Rocky Road Icecream, that I can eat whenever my heart desires it. Then I have chocolate bars and 3 boxes of bakers chocolate, 2 of which are about 6 years old, but the box says they never expire, so I am eating them. I bought another box not realizing I had them until I looked in one of my drawers, and there they were!