Sex = Love or Love = Sex?

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Sex = Love or Love = Sex?

Postby wantingmore » Wed May 19, 2010 9:52 pm

Hi guys and gals, is sex=love or love=sex?
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Re: Sex = Love or Love = Sex?

Postby erwin » Thu May 20, 2010 5:26 am

Sex is love and love is sex, these two are interchangeable.
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Re: Sex = Love or Love = Sex?

Postby crisipicada » Mon May 24, 2010 2:43 pm

wantingmore wrote:Hi guys and gals, is sex=love or love=sex?

What so you think, Wantingmore? Sex could be love and love could be sex. Example, if couple love each other very much and they express their love by making love, then that is so wonderful experience. On the other hand there are people who are driven to have sex like the rapist, then that is not love. Anyone wants to add and share their opinion :?: :?: :?: :?:
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Re: Sex = Love or Love = Sex?

Postby crisipicada » Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:25 pm

These two words must not be equate. They are so much different from each other.

IF the rapist rape a young woman, and damage her life (emotionally, physically and spiritually, and future, can do tell that it is love? Of course it is NOT!

To love someone is not having sex at all. It is about respecting, believing and giving care and understanding.
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Re: Sex = Love or Love = Sex?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:19 pm

Yes, I Corinthians 13 spells it all out. I agree the words are not equal. True love is God's type of love where He gives freely even when it is not reciprocated! :D :D
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Re: Sex = Love or Love = Sex?

Postby pichuck » Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:31 pm

If two people are not in love and they have sex, then it is sex. If two people are in love they do not have sex they "make love". I know from first hand experience, because I am just now divorced from a filipina after sixteen years and all we ever had was sex, not once did we ever "make love". Hopefully the next time I come to the P.I. I can find a nice lady who will love me for me and not what she thinks she can take me for.
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Re: Sex = Love or Love = Sex?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:16 pm

My Pastor and young people visit me yesterday. We really had a good conversation about anything. It was also the time I confide about my work and people around me.

Also, I open up things to them about personal matters.

As the conversation goes, I really learn that it is premature to tell someone "I love you" or "I like you" unless it is back up with commitment. He emphasize, how many guys or gals have said that words to many people of opposite sex? And sometimes, it has no meaning at all. This is what the world's standard. What he is trying to say is that, it is important to guard someone's heart and express love in words and actions in marriage. There are things not to be done while it is not yet married. He said, we Christian are bringing the Love of Christ and in any areas of life whether we are in the working place, family or even in a personal relationship with opposite sex, there are things to be cautious with.

He said, sometimes, words must left unsaid, than to rush into the situation wherein it can damage emotions in the process and feelings will turn to hate.

Love is not just about having sex because you love someone, it is about expressing love in the right way and in God's brand time.
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Re: Sex = Love or Love = Sex?

Postby BigBlastGuy » Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:33 pm

People always getting sex and love confused.

Sex is a biological imperative that God gave men and women to insure they reproduce and continue the human race. Sex is a biological drive. Sex in and of itself has nothing to do with love.

Love is NOT a feeling. Love is a commitment to the wants, needs and betterment of another person.

The biological urge for sex creates chemical and hormonal changes to the body which creates a "feeling" which many people call love but this is actually chemical changes caused by biological lust So naturally with time the biological lust diminishes so the chemicals and hormones diminish and the feeling people call "love" diminishes. Then people say they fall "out of love". This is not true they just have fewer hormones and chemicals from biological lust.

Biological lust always fades so this is where most romantic relationships fail. Are the 2 people committed to real love--do they each take action (not just talk) to insure the wants, needs and betterment of the other?
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Re: Sex = Love or Love = Sex?

Postby Edwin » Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:00 am

You are correct, Crisi, about the need to guard your actions and your words with the opposite sex. Words are too easily spoken often, and they mean nothing, but they may hurt the other person who takes those words to mean something. Some of these things are absolutely meant for use after marriage, and if people violate that then they will have miserable life, and they will face God's judgement.

You are very right in what you said, BBG, about sex, hormones, and love. I think maybe the expression "making love," was invented by Hollywood,and it has nothing to do with love. If two people do love each other the way God intended them to love each other, and if they are married, then yes sex is part of the expression of love. But, we love, or we do not love, inspite of whether or not we have sex. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Sex = Love or Love = Sex?

Postby Smiley » Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:43 pm

wantingmore wrote:Hi guys and gals, is sex=love or love=sex?

That is a lot like asking if car=gasoline

Love is one thing,sex is another.The two can be closely intertwined or separate.I think that it is best when they are together but sex without love happens all the time. I imagine that love occurs without sex fairly often as well.
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