Filipinas-Want An American Man?

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Filipinas-Want An American Man?

Postby Manilaman » Sat May 28, 2011 9:24 pm

Then read and I will tell you

Here is the problem. When an American man reads your JadeRune profile he is turned off because what he reads in general (I summarize) is: Filipina wants a man to take care of her, support her, always be loyal, accept her no matter what, provide for her so she may stay home and have babies. Now think of this like a man? Why should he do this? You are asking a lot--more than you can get in the Philippines. What are you offering to him?

Problem in US most nice men are taken advantage of and used very badly by american women who are usually nice while dating but after they marry and have a child tend to use american courts and legal system to make or force the man they are supposed to love to bow to their wishes. The courts will take away the man's home, his children and make him pay for many years. A filipina who wants to find an american man must understand that the american man is suspicious of women because most men have been treated very badly by women who swore to honor and cherish them.

So if a filipina on JadeRune wants an american man, stop writing in your profile what you want the man to be and do and start writing what you can provide to the man. Remember he can go anywhere in america and find a woman who wants him to be and do certain things. He may be willing to travel 8000 miles to the Philippines to find a woman who will like to do something for the man.

So filipinas on JadeRune, I tell you this because I wish you success. If you want an american man start by writing a profile that describes what YOU will do to make his life better do NOT spend time writing a list what you expect of him.

I have seen it many times. A filipina on JadeRune writes a profile pouring out her heart how much she wants to love and take care of a husband and she will be TAKEN very quickly. The filipina who makes a list of what she expects of her husband--she will be on JadeRune a very long time.

If filipina wants the good things an american man can offer, they must tell in their profile what they will do for the man who provides that good life they want.
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Re: Filipinas-Want An American Man?

Postby edeline » Sun May 29, 2011 8:12 am

I agree on this. It needs to write what she can do to make the life of the man a better one instead of making of list of the expectations. Tha is very true that a girl who writes the list of what she can do to make life of man a special one with her presence.
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Re: Filipinas-Want An American Man?

Postby RockCrawler » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:52 pm

Coming from a single, wise, American guy. I agree with this statement. I live in Washington State where the laws are NOT in a mans favor when it comes to women and children. In the US, the government here sees men as a pay check. THIS is exactly why I am 38, self employed, own a business, have never been married, do not have any children. If I was to get married and for whatever reason my wife decides to get a divorce regardless of consent, the government will legally take 1/2 of a mans income, retirement, home, assets etc.

Now, why on earth would a man want to get married and have a family in this environment while the government holds this RISK over his head only because he makes the money. Here in the US, there is no vested interest getting married. Not to mention, the divorce rate here is 70%. Sad but true.

Ladies, it is in your best interest in your profile to list what you can provide the man.

Lastly, In a traditional American household both the man and the woman work to provide for the well being of the family. It is extremely expensive to live here in the US. To have a median family income here it requires two incomes to support a family.

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Re: Filipinas-Want An American Man?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:42 am

Sorry guys for that reason why american do not want to marry because of this mind-setting. But one thing for sure, I never thought of getting divorce if God allow that i will marry an american man. My prayers that I will be a devoted and loving wife to my husband. Never thought of getting separated when i marry because I have been from a separated family and I do not want that to happen to me. My thinking is that being married to a man is a life time commitment and I marry a man because of love.
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Re: Filipinas-Want An American Man?

Postby Manilaman » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:31 pm

crisipicada wrote:Sorry guys for that reason why american do not want to marry because of this mind-setting. But one thing for sure, I never thought of getting divorce if God allow that i will marry an american man. My prayers that I will be a devoted and loving wife to my husband. Never thought of getting separated when i marry because I have been from a separated family and I do not want that to happen to me. My thinking is that being married to a man is a life time commitment and I marry a man because of love.

That is good if you do it but most women and many Filipinas do not. Women are emotional, they respond to how they "feel" about a situation rather than the facts or logic of the situation. So a woman will "feel" very positive about marriage but then in a few years when the reality and hard times hit she does not "feel" positive about her husband. Problems result.

All women are excited and "feel" great to get married but most stop "feeling" good later and cause problems because they blame their husband for her lack of "feeling" good. Women are not rralistic because no "feeling" can always be good and it is not her husband's responsibility to make her "feel" good. He is too busy making a living.
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Re: Filipinas-Want An American Man?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:48 pm

Wome struggle with their feelings so men should not play with it. Giving more time making a living will make the marriage life die because love is time. Giving time is love
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Re: Filipinas-Want An American Man?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:22 pm

crisipicada wrote:Wome struggle with their feelings so men should not play with it. Giving more time making a living will make the marriage life die because love is time. Giving time is love

Crisi, you are so correct in this! No one should play with anyone else's feelings! I don't agree at all with the statement that the man is so busy making a living that it is an excuse not to make his wife feel happy! I think the man who does that is self centered, and should think more about his wife! It is like the scripture says, What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul. There is more to life than being busy making a living. A person could just be too busy to live right. If a man neglects his wife's feelings, it would not matter what kind of a living he was making, it would be loss for him, and his wife as well! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Filipinas-Want An American Man?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:34 pm

crisipicada wrote:Sorry guys for that reason why american do not want to marry because of this mind-setting. But one thing for sure, I never thought of getting divorce if God allow that i will marry an american man. My prayers that I will be a devoted and loving wife to my husband. Never thought of getting separated when i marry because I have been from a separated family and I do not want that to happen to me. My thinking is that being married to a man is a life time commitment and I marry a man because of love.

I don't want to be judgmental, but when 2 people get married they enter into a committment with each other before a company of people and before God. Those 2 people need to be in agreement that they are going to make their marriage work. Each one has the responsibility to determine that they will not bail out of the marriage no matter what happens. That is why Carol and I are still together is because Carol does not want a divorce, and I don't want a divorce. It would be really easy to write 10 pages on why this makes good sense, but most everyone knows that it does make good sense. If people don't have a committment to make the marriage work, it is less likely to be successful. My Mom and Dad stayed together all their living years. Many of my aunts, uncles, and cousins, stayed together all their living years, while some of them didn't. Two of my siblings including myself stayed with their mates all their lives, but 2 didn't stay, and they each have their reasons for bailing out.

Again without intending to be judgemental I think it has to do with right and wrong. Some people have a strong desire to do what is right before God, and other people are not concerned about whether they do what God wants them to do or not. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Filipinas-Want An American Man?

Postby Manilaman » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:38 pm

crisipicada wrote:Wome struggle with their feelings so men should not play with it. Giving more time making a living will make the marriage life die because love is time. Giving time is love

Crisi, feelings don't pay rent and buy food and clothes especially when the woman wants to have children who need, money for clothes, education, healthcare. You stated in an earlier post that women were upset when the husband did not make enough money to provide for his family. You make my point, women change too often. A mature woman who does not change with her emotions is valuable. A woman who changes with her emotions is too unstable to be a good partner.
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Re: Filipinas-Want An American Man?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:03 pm

Edwin wrote:
crisipicada wrote:Wome struggle with their feelings so men should not play with it. Giving more time making a living will make the marriage life die because love is time. Giving time is love

Crisi, you are so correct in this! No one should play with anyone else's feelings! I don't agree at all with the statement that the man is so busy making a living that it is an excuse not to make his wife feel happy! I think the man who does that is self centered, and should think more about his wife! It is like the scripture says, What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul. There is more to life than being busy making a living. A person could just be too busy to live right. If a man neglects his wife's feelings, it would not matter what kind of a living he was making, it would be loss for him, and his wife as well! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

What would life be without emotions, and I think a good partner shows emotions, and it is up to the husband to support his wife, even if she does change with her emotions, and I think she can be a wonderful partner. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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