Healthy diet

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Healthy diet

Postby jadegil6 » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:41 pm

There have been many studies about what foods are the healthiest to eat, and some of the more recent ones have shown that these include the following:
1.) Cooked Asian mushrooms (loaded with protein)
2.) Whole soy products such as soy nuts, soy milk, and tofu.
3.) Cruciferous vegetables which include broocoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, bok choy, turnips, and raddishes. It has been shown that cooked vegetablers are healthier to eat than raw vegetables. Also that frozen veggies are as good as fresh veggies because the quick freezing process preserves the nutrients and vitamins in the vegetables.
4.) Healthy fats which are found in olive oil, canola oil, and eggs.
5.) Whole and cracked grains, and foods made from whole grain flour. (Note: Whole wheat bread is not really a whole grain food if it is made from refined flour. Whole grain flours are made from the kernels of whole grains, which include both the inner part of the grain plus the outer part which is called the husk. So breads, pasta, and cereals that are made from whole grain flour as opposed to refined flour are the healthiest choice. Refined white flour is made from wheat that has had the husks removed, and is usually enriched with vitamins and minerals, but lack the nutrition and fiber that whole grain flours possess. Whole grain foods include oatmeal, barley, brown rice, wild rice, corn, and popcorn, among others. You should look on the ingredients list on packaged foods that claim to be 100% whole grain. If the first ingredient says refined flour, then the product is not a whole grain product.)
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Re: Healthy diet

Postby Edwin » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:15 am

Those are some healthy ingredients and foods you listed, Jadegil6! I love anything made with all the complete grain. It is very nice to understand what the healthy foods are so that we can feel better and have more energy. I am very happy that I took that nutrition class that I did this last Winter quarter. It helps to have the good information! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Healthy diet

Postby jadegil6 » Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:15 pm

Maybe you have read that red wine as well as green tea are both very powerful cancer fighters. The reason they are classified as such is because they are loaded with flavonoids and phenols which are two powerful antioxidants that have been proven to fight off heart disease as well as cancer.

Are you aware that there is another drink that is more powerful than red wine and green tea combined? That drink is hot cocoa. The break down is this:
DRINK--------------------------- PHENOLS----------------- FLAVONOIDS [u][/u]
Green Tea (1 glass)_________340 mg_________________163 mg
Red Wine (1 cup)___________165 mg_________________ 47 mg

TOTAL -------------------------- 505 MG -------------------- 210 MG

Those are great numbers, but take a look at the numbers for hot cocoa.

Hot cocoa (1 cup)__________611 mg__________________564 mg

And when you drink a cup of hot cocoa, you get to taste chocolate, and who doesn't like that?
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Re: Healthy diet

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:31 pm

jadegil6 wrote:Maybe you have read that red wine as well as green tea are both very powerful cancer fighters. The reason they are classified as such is because they are loaded with flavonoids and phenols which are two powerful antioxidants that have been proven to fight off heart disease as well as cancer.

Are you aware that there is another drink that is more powerful than red wine and green tea combined? That drink is hot cocoa. The break down is this:
DRINK--------------------------- PHENOLS----------------- FLAVONOIDS [u][/u]
Green Tea (1 glass)_________340 mg_________________163 mg
Red Wine (1 cup)___________165 mg_________________ 47 mg

TOTAL -------------------------- 505 MG -------------------- 210 MG

Those are great numbers, but take a look at the numbers for hot cocoa.

Hot cocoa (1 cup)__________611 mg__________________564 mg

And when you drink a cup of hot cocoa, you get to taste chocolate, and who doesn't like that?

I love that!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D I just drank a grande cup of hot cocoa this afternoon at our local Starbucks located in our Safeway Store! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D :D
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Re: Healthy diet

Postby thedude » Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:55 pm

jadegil6 wrote:There have been many studies about what foods are the healthiest to eat, and some of the more recent ones have shown that these include the following:
1.) Cooked Asian mushrooms (loaded with protein)
2.) Whole soy products such as soy nuts, soy milk, and tofu.
3.) Cruciferous vegetables which include broocoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, bok choy, turnips, and raddishes. It has been shown that cooked vegetablers are healthier to eat than raw vegetables. Also that frozen veggies are as good as fresh veggies because the quick freezing process preserves the nutrients and vitamins in the vegetables.
4.) Healthy fats which are found in olive oil, canola oil, and eggs.
5.) Whole and cracked grains, and foods made from whole grain flour. (Note: Whole wheat bread is not really a whole grain food if it is made from refined flour. Whole grain flours are made from the kernels of whole grains, which include both the inner part of the grain plus the outer part which is called the husk. So breads, pasta, and cereals that are made from whole grain flour as opposed to refined flour are the healthiest choice. Refined white flour is made from wheat that has had the husks removed, and is usually enriched with vitamins and minerals, but lack the nutrition and fiber that whole grain flours possess. Whole grain foods include oatmeal, barley, brown rice, wild rice, corn, and popcorn, among others. You should look on the ingredients list on packaged foods that claim to be 100% whole grain. If the first ingredient says refined flour, then the product is not a whole grain product.)

Bro, given the health issue you posted about you should really reconsider this diet--I know a lot about this topic. Don't take my word for it, go to and search on "Nutritional Typing". This is the largest nutritional website in the world put there by a medical doctor. You will take a short online test and you will get an immediate answer with the types of natural foods your body metabolically needs. Very helpful. Anyone can take it and there is ZERO cost. Also consider his multivitamin mineral supplement.

Lots and lots of information freely available at Mercola site. I know you don't like my buddy ManilaMan but please don't let your ego allow you to delete this post as the website I listed is very legit, very helpful and zero cost. The Filipinas on this forum can use it. Crisi had some health issues right--might help Crisi. I can not turn my back on a fellow in need.

Wishing you the best health,

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Re: Healthy diet

Postby jadegil6 » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:52 pm

I know you don't like my buddy ManilaMan ??????????????? Spoken like a schizophrenic!!!!!!
You ARE Manilaman!!!!!

And as far as that website goes, it is there to make money and to sell products!!!!!!!

The bottom of the page says: "The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola" :lol:

And you state that Dr. Mercola is a Medical Doctor (MD), but in the information in the section "About Dr. Mercola" it clearly states that he is NOT a Medical Doctor.

But because we have such a great relationship, Sir, I will leave your post, and anyone who wishes to look at Dr. Mercola's website may find the link therein. Thank you for your well wishes for my health. Same back at you.
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Re: Healthy diet

Postby jadegil6 » Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:45 pm

I decided to see what information I could find on the internet about Dr. Mercola, and there are some very bad reviews about him if anyone cares to spend the time to look. Here is a quote from Wikipedia which came from Business Week:
" While Mercola on his site seeks to identify with this image by distinguishing himself from "all the greed-motivated hype out there in health-care land", he is a master promoter, using every trick of traditional and Internet direct marketing to grow his business... He is selling health-care products and services, and is calling upon an unfortunate tradition made famous by the old-time snake oil salesmen of the 1800s.""

Other reviews say that Mercola's dietary recommendations often put him at odds with mainstream dietary advice. Mercola encourages the ingestion of unprocessed saturated fats, including unrefined coconut oil. The American Heart Association disagrees, stating that saturated fats contribute to heart disease. Mercola opposes the use of most prescription drugs and immunizations....Instead he promotes and sells numerous dietary supplements, and favors lifestyle changes and natural food choices. Mercola has been outspoken in his views that HIV is not the cause of AIDS, a view which is not held by mainstream medical science. Mercola has also claimed that the use of sunscreen increases, not decreases, the likelihood of contracting skin cancer, but this view is not held by mainstream medical science.

In lieu of what I have read about Dr. Mercola today, I have decided to remove the link to his website that was posted by the alias (TheDude) username of Manilaman, who first posted as Manilamadman, and who continues to be a plague on this forum. I have received dozens of PM's complaining to me about how he has attacked so many of the forum members, and continues to insult filipinas in gerneral, and their wish that I do all that I can to keep his posts off the forum. I will ban him as he continues to reappear, and I will delete all of his new posts.
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Re: Healthy diet

Postby crisipicada » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:06 pm

jadegil6 wrote:I know you don't like my buddy ManilaMan ??????????????? Spoken like a schizophrenic!!!!!!
You ARE Manilaman!!!!!

And as far as that website goes, it is there to make money and to sell products!!!!!!!

The bottom of the page says: "The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola" :lol:

And you state that Dr. Mercola is a Medical Doctor (MD), but in the information in the section "About Dr. Mercola" it clearly states that he is NOT a Medical Doctor.

But because we have such a great relationship, Sir, I will leave your post, and anyone who wishes to look at Dr. Mercola's website may find the link therein. Thank you for your well wishes for my health. Same back at you.

Manilaman, if you want to have good health of even improve your health, make sure to have good diet. :D :D :D

If you can not say something good , better not to say anything, that is what I have learned. Sometimes we cannot deny the fact that we can say something wrong but what is important it is a constructive criticism if you criticise someone. :P :P

Also to keep a good heart and give your feelings to the Lord will lighten your heart. :) :) :) :D :D :D :P :P :P
Nothing can separate us from the love of God
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Re: Healthy diet

Postby farmer » Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:31 pm

Whatever you are eating today, there is no safe at all. Why? because all or almost are loaded with chemicals during the planting. I would rather plant at my backyard I can assure that all are safe. I used to plant vegetables and I used organic as fertilizer.
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Re: Healthy diet

Postby Edwin » Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:45 am

First of all I want to say that I like the term healthy diet much better than I like the term healthful diet. I don't know what it is, but healthful diet just does not sound correct to me. We don't say you are a healthful person, but we do say you are a healthy person. The last nutrition class I took the text book is full of the term healthful diet, and each time I wanted to say, no, not healthful diet, healthy diet. We have eaten pretty well all my life actually. In my home growing up we ate far too many deserts that had white flour and white sugar, and I'm sure that effected my Dad's health, but my Mom ate just what all the rest of us did, and she lived fairly healthy until she was I think 89 years old, then died of some kind of a heart failure. The first few years we were married, Carol and I ate too many of those deserts also. Carol got into cake decorating, and she did fairly well, getting paid for many of the jobs she did. When she did her practicing, she would sent the cakes with me in my lunch working at the saw mill. I ate lots of white cakes and thick frostings in those days, and I know that was not good for us looking back on it. I survived it, but that may have had something to do with Carol's onset of diabetes. After taking that nutrition class I am very conscious of what I eat. One day I think, "Oh, ate pretty well today." Another day I think, "I really didn't do very well today." Years ago I would not even have thought in those terms. Our daughter made a white cake with frosting on it for Valentine's Day. She sent over what was left of it to our house, which was a quite a bit of cake. It tasted good to me, but I was conscious that while I was eating it, I was not making the best choice for my health. I ate it covered with milk, so the milk was good anyway. The frosting tasted good, and it was about the only poor choice nutrition wise that I made for a couple of days. I ate all of it, because Carol wanted to, but chose not to, because of her diabetes. So I am just as happy that it is gone now. It probably didn't hurt me, as I ate plenty of other good food, then I went for my 6.5 mile walks, so I probably offset the harm to my body by eating other good food and going for my walk. I think it helps to be health conscious, and then make the right choices most of the time, and then don't beat yourself up if you eat something that is really not completely good for you. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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